Hello, I’m 20, totally blind, loves singing, writing, swinging, listening to music, hanging out with peeps, and much more. My favorite food is pizza, drink is Dr. Pepper, color is pink, music is almost anything. Always trying to spread love to everyone. Believe that we should all come together, rather than apart. Love one another instead of hate, peace instead of war, and life is full of the adventures that you make. I’m excited to start this and see where it takes me. Will be talking about many different things in this blog. Hope you all get something from this. Just want to make others smile. Because to me, spreading love is needed. This world isn’t good. So much control and restrictions that law has given us and not many people love people for who they are. Hopefully I can change a little bit one day.
bleck! dont me throw up
no it doesn’t
wo, I really rock with the message. great stuff, keep it up. and for the record, pineapple does belong on pizza! sorry, just had to throw that in there.